Spatial pattern correlation
Using the same data as the gdverse idsa vignette:
depression = system.file('extdata/Depression.csv',package = 'gdverse') |>
readr::read_csv() |>
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c('X','Y'), crs = 4326)
## Rows: 1072 Columns: 13
## ── Column specification ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## dbl (13): X, Y, Depression_prevelence, PopulationDensity, Population65, NoHealthInsurance, Neig...
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## Simple feature collection with 1072 features and 11 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: -83.1795 ymin: 32.11464 xmax: -78.6023 ymax: 35.17354
## Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
## # A tibble: 1,072 × 12
## Depression_prevelence PopulationDensity Population65 NoHealthInsurance Neighbor_Disadvantage
## * <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 23.1 61.5 22.5 7.98 -0.0525
## 2 22.8 58.3 16.8 11.0 -0.254
## 3 23.2 35.9 24.5 9.31 -0.0540
## 4 21.8 76.1 21.8 13.2 0.0731
## 5 20.7 47.3 22.0 11 0.763
## 6 21.3 32.5 19.2 13.0 0.422
## 7 22 36.9 19.2 10.8 0.113
## 8 21.2 61.5 15.9 8.57 -0.154
## 9 22.7 67.2 15.7 17.8 -0.320
## 10 20.6 254. 11.3 12.7 0.457
## # ℹ 1,062 more rows
## # ℹ 7 more variables: Beer <dbl>, MentalHealthPati <dbl>, NatureParks <dbl>, Casinos <dbl>,
## # DrinkingPlaces <dbl>, X.HouseRent <dbl>, geometry <POINT [°]>
g = cisp::spc(depression,cores = 12)
## user system elapsed
## 6.07 0.86 2018.65
## *** Spatial Pattern Correlation
## | xv | yv | correlation |
## |:---------------------:|:---------------------:|:-----------:|
## | PopulationDensity | Depression_prevelence | 0.04614 |
## | Population65 | Depression_prevelence | 0.04150 |
## | Neighbor_Disadvantage | Depression_prevelence | 0.03924 |
## | DrinkingPlaces | Depression_prevelence | 0.01485 |
## | NoHealthInsurance | Depression_prevelence | 0.01384 |
## | NatureParks | Depression_prevelence | 0.01239 |
## | MentalHealthPati | Depression_prevelence | 0.01042 |
## | X.HouseRent | Depression_prevelence | 0.00777 |
## | Beer | Depression_prevelence | 0.00191 |
## | Casinos | Depression_prevelence | -0.00708 |
## | X.HouseRent | PopulationDensity | 0.07832 |
## | MentalHealthPati | PopulationDensity | 0.01587 |
## | DrinkingPlaces | PopulationDensity | 0.01484 |
## | Population65 | PopulationDensity | 0.01037 |
## | NoHealthInsurance | PopulationDensity | 0.00619 |
## | NatureParks | PopulationDensity | 0.00528 |
## | Beer | PopulationDensity | 0.00115 |
## | Casinos | PopulationDensity | 0.00108 |
## | Neighbor_Disadvantage | PopulationDensity | -0.00529 |
## | Depression_prevelence | PopulationDensity | -0.07737 |
## | X.HouseRent | Population65 | 0.08942 |
## | Neighbor_Disadvantage | Population65 | 0.04196 |
## | PopulationDensity | Population65 | 0.02396 |
## | Depression_prevelence | Population65 | 0.02231 |
## | MentalHealthPati | Population65 | 0.00562 |
## | DrinkingPlaces | Population65 | 0.00349 |
## | NoHealthInsurance | Population65 | 0.00346 |
## | Beer | Population65 | -0.00529 |
## | NatureParks | Population65 | -0.00766 |
## | Casinos | Population65 | -0.00976 |
## | Neighbor_Disadvantage | NoHealthInsurance | 0.11050 |
## | X.HouseRent | NoHealthInsurance | 0.06270 |
## | Population65 | NoHealthInsurance | 0.02928 |
## | PopulationDensity | NoHealthInsurance | 0.02298 |
## | DrinkingPlaces | NoHealthInsurance | 0.01302 |
## | Casinos | NoHealthInsurance | 0.00775 |
## | MentalHealthPati | NoHealthInsurance | 0.00657 |
## | Beer | NoHealthInsurance | 0.00434 |
## | NatureParks | NoHealthInsurance | 0.00197 |
## | Depression_prevelence | NoHealthInsurance | -0.00779 |
## | DrinkingPlaces | Neighbor_Disadvantage | 0.09369 |
## | NoHealthInsurance | Neighbor_Disadvantage | 0.06840 |
## | X.HouseRent | Neighbor_Disadvantage | 0.06004 |
## | NatureParks | Neighbor_Disadvantage | 0.01924 |
## | Population65 | Neighbor_Disadvantage | 0.01867 |
## | MentalHealthPati | Neighbor_Disadvantage | 0.01157 |
## | Casinos | Neighbor_Disadvantage | 0.00541 |
## | PopulationDensity | Neighbor_Disadvantage | -0.00357 |
## | Depression_prevelence | Neighbor_Disadvantage | -0.00665 |
## | Beer | Neighbor_Disadvantage | -0.00989 |
## | Casinos | Beer | 0.04989 |
## | Population65 | Beer | 0.01780 |
## | DrinkingPlaces | Beer | 0.01469 |
## | NatureParks | Beer | 0.01295 |
## | Neighbor_Disadvantage | Beer | 0.00331 |
## | PopulationDensity | Beer | 0.00211 |
## | MentalHealthPati | Beer | 0.00161 |
## | X.HouseRent | Beer | -0.00016 |
## | NoHealthInsurance | Beer | -0.00306 |
## | Depression_prevelence | Beer | -0.03499 |
## | DrinkingPlaces | MentalHealthPati | 0.07590 |
## | PopulationDensity | MentalHealthPati | 0.03785 |
## | NatureParks | MentalHealthPati | 0.03208 |
## | Neighbor_Disadvantage | MentalHealthPati | 0.02471 |
## | Casinos | MentalHealthPati | 0.02460 |
## | Beer | MentalHealthPati | 0.01057 |
## | Population65 | MentalHealthPati | 0.00982 |
## | X.HouseRent | MentalHealthPati | 0.00799 |
## | Depression_prevelence | MentalHealthPati | -0.01049 |
## | NoHealthInsurance | MentalHealthPati | -0.01681 |
## | DrinkingPlaces | NatureParks | 0.07349 |
## | MentalHealthPati | NatureParks | 0.03486 |
## | X.HouseRent | NatureParks | 0.02807 |
## | Neighbor_Disadvantage | NatureParks | 0.02704 |
## | PopulationDensity | NatureParks | 0.01846 |
## | NoHealthInsurance | NatureParks | 0.01689 |
## | Beer | NatureParks | 0.01029 |
## | Casinos | NatureParks | 0.00842 |
## | Population65 | NatureParks | -0.01961 |
## | Depression_prevelence | NatureParks | -0.06237 |
## | DrinkingPlaces | Casinos | 0.05319 |
## | Population65 | Casinos | 0.03494 |
## | Beer | Casinos | 0.02488 |
## | NatureParks | Casinos | 0.01989 |
## | MentalHealthPati | Casinos | 0.01854 |
## | Neighbor_Disadvantage | Casinos | 0.00293 |
## | NoHealthInsurance | Casinos | 0.00009 |
## | PopulationDensity | Casinos | -0.00207 |
## | X.HouseRent | Casinos | -0.00864 |
## | Depression_prevelence | Casinos | -0.01344 |
## | NatureParks | DrinkingPlaces | 0.10000 |
## | MentalHealthPati | DrinkingPlaces | 0.04482 |
## | PopulationDensity | DrinkingPlaces | 0.03366 |
## | Casinos | DrinkingPlaces | 0.02222 |
## | Beer | DrinkingPlaces | 0.01330 |
## | NoHealthInsurance | DrinkingPlaces | 0.00258 |
## | X.HouseRent | DrinkingPlaces | 0.00185 |
## | Neighbor_Disadvantage | DrinkingPlaces | -0.00400 |
## | Depression_prevelence | DrinkingPlaces | -0.01162 |
## | Population65 | DrinkingPlaces | -0.03072 |
## | PopulationDensity | X.HouseRent | 0.12494 |
## | Neighbor_Disadvantage | X.HouseRent | 0.08995 |
## | Population65 | X.HouseRent | 0.04227 |
## | NoHealthInsurance | X.HouseRent | 0.01481 |
## | DrinkingPlaces | X.HouseRent | 0.00667 |
## | MentalHealthPati | X.HouseRent | -0.00175 |
## | Casinos | X.HouseRent | -0.00581 |
## | Depression_prevelence | X.HouseRent | -0.00587 |
## | Beer | X.HouseRent | -0.00692 |
## | NatureParks | X.HouseRent | -0.01047 |
The results are visualized in a default network graph style:
But the results can also be plotted using the classic correlation coefficient matrix visualization style:
plot(g,style = "matrix")