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1.1 Install the spEDM package

Install the stable version from CRAN with:

install.packages("spEDM", dep = TRUE)

Alternatively, you can install the development version from R-universe with:

                 repos = c("",
                 dep = TRUE)

1.2 An example of spatial lattice data

Load the spEDM package:

Load the county-level population density data from the spEDM package:

popd_nb ="extdata/",
                                      package = "spEDM"))
## Warning in"extdata/", package = "spEDM")): neighbour
## object has 4 sub-graphs
## Neighbour list object:
## Number of regions: 2806 
## Number of nonzero links: 15942 
## Percentage nonzero weights: 0.2024732 
## Average number of links: 5.681397 
## 4 disjoint connected subgraphs

popdensity = readr::read_csv(system.file("extdata/popdensity.csv",
                                         package = "spEDM"))
## Rows: 2806 Columns: 7
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## dbl (7): x, y, popDensity, DEM, Tem, Pre, slop
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## # A tibble: 2,806 × 7
##        x     y popDensity   DEM   Tem   Pre  slop
##    <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1  117.  30.5       780.     8  17.4 1528. 0.452
##  2  117.  30.6       395.    48  17.2 1487. 0.842
##  3  117.  30.8       261.    49  16.0 1456. 3.56 
##  4  116.  30.1       258.    23  17.4 1555. 0.932
##  5  116.  30.5       211.   101  16.3 1494. 3.34 
##  6  117.  31.0       386.    10  16.6 1382. 1.65 
##  7  117.  30.2       350.    23  17.5 1569. 0.346
##  8  117.  30.7       470.    22  17.1 1493. 1.88 
##  9  117.  30.6      1226.    11  17.4 1526. 0.208
## 10  116.  30.9       137.   598  13.9 1458. 5.92 
## # ℹ 2,796 more rows

popd_sf = sf::st_as_sf(popdensity, coords = c("x","y"), crs = 4326)
## Simple feature collection with 2806 features and 5 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 74.9055 ymin: 18.2698 xmax: 134.269 ymax: 52.9346
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
## # A tibble: 2,806 × 6
##    popDensity   DEM   Tem   Pre  slop          geometry
##  *      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <POINT [°]>
##  1       780.     8  17.4 1528. 0.452 (116.912 30.4879)
##  2       395.    48  17.2 1487. 0.842 (116.755 30.5877)
##  3       261.    49  16.0 1456. 3.56  (116.541 30.7548)
##  4       258.    23  17.4 1555. 0.932  (116.241 30.104)
##  5       211.   101  16.3 1494. 3.34   (116.173 30.495)
##  6       386.    10  16.6 1382. 1.65  (116.935 30.9839)
##  7       350.    23  17.5 1569. 0.346 (116.677 30.2412)
##  8       470.    22  17.1 1493. 1.88  (117.066 30.6514)
##  9      1226.    11  17.4 1526. 0.208 (117.171 30.5558)
## 10       137.   598  13.9 1458. 5.92  (116.208 30.8983)
## # ℹ 2,796 more rows

Select the appropriate embedding dimension E:

simplex(popd_sf,"Pre",lib = 1:2000,pred = 2001:nrow(popd_sf),k = 6,nb = popd_nb)
## The suggested embedding dimension E for variable Pre is 2
##        E       rho      mae     rmse
##  [1,]  1 0.9782781 34.80551 54.00773
##  [2,]  2 0.9802540 32.18977 53.33620
##  [3,]  3 0.9775425 34.25069 58.26795
##  [4,]  4 0.9749178 36.43196 61.47662
##  [5,]  5 0.9732294 38.25935 63.20869
##  [6,]  6 0.9723361 40.15206 65.04856
##  [7,]  7 0.9697997 43.27062 69.01631
##  [8,]  8 0.9658433 46.51147 73.37128
##  [9,]  9 0.9629774 49.73771 76.06562
## [10,] 10 0.9615392 51.52285 77.57833
simplex(popd_sf,"popDensity",lib = 1:2000,pred = 2001:nrow(popd_sf),k = 6,nb = popd_nb)
## The suggested embedding dimension E for variable popDensity is 5
##        E       rho      mae     rmse
##  [1,]  1 0.8142262 821.6575 2283.544
##  [2,]  2 0.8799178 648.7316 1918.029
##  [3,]  3 0.8828657 636.7622 1881.740
##  [4,]  4 0.8868719 637.2017 1850.598
##  [5,]  5 0.8956243 610.3778 1805.386
##  [6,]  6 0.8939081 640.9628 1819.206
##  [7,]  7 0.8926276 626.0359 1831.724
##  [8,]  8 0.8894480 645.2201 1851.623
##  [9,]  9 0.8846390 660.4611 1880.918
## [10,] 10 0.8846890 659.1725 1876.446

We choose the E with the highest rho and the lowest MAE and RMSE as the most suitable one. Under the selected lib and pred, the optimal embedding dimension E for the variable Pre is 2, and for the variable popDensity, it is 5.

Then, run GCCM:

startTime = Sys.time()
pd_res = gccm(data = popd_sf,
              cause = "Pre",
              effect = "popDensity",
              libsizes = seq(10, 2800, by = 100),
              E = c(2,5),
              k = 6,
              nb = popd_nb,
              progressbar = FALSE)
endTime = Sys.time()
print(difftime(endTime,startTime, units ="mins"))
## Time difference of 23.05816 mins
##    libsizes Pre->popDensity popDensity->Pre
## 1        10      0.05589905      0.01004636
## 2       110      0.18109636      0.03478543
## 3       210      0.24325566      0.04932428
## 4       310      0.27657692      0.06417637
## 5       410      0.30630281      0.07634983
## 6       510      0.34116169      0.08815848
## 7       610      0.38078810      0.09890353
## 8       710      0.41612716      0.10867846
## 9       810      0.44420437      0.11714337
## 10      910      0.46815429      0.12485229
## 11     1010      0.48876449      0.13194552
## 12     1110      0.50538462      0.13802611
## 13     1210      0.52300459      0.14335037
## 14     1310      0.53902632      0.14813342
## 15     1410      0.55309048      0.15284706
## 16     1510      0.56754023      0.15777314
## 17     1610      0.58387624      0.16301596
## 18     1710      0.60029184      0.16768202
## 19     1810      0.61631190      0.17202960
## 20     1910      0.63213899      0.17601166
## 21     2010      0.64785899      0.17979878
## 22     2110      0.66289302      0.18304365
## 23     2210      0.67740971      0.18596497
## 24     2310      0.69156193      0.18906187
## 25     2410      0.70541793      0.19196548
## 26     2510      0.71925253      0.19503355
## 27     2610      0.73287448      0.19819076
## 28     2710      0.74435871      0.20116518

Visualize the result:

plot(pd_res,xlimits = c(0, 2800))
Figure 1. The cross-mapping prediction outputs between population density and county-level Precipitation.
Figure 1. The cross-mapping prediction outputs between population density and county-level Precipitation.

1.3 An example of spatial grid data

Load the spEDM package:

Load the farmland NPP data from the spEDM package:

npp = terra::rast(system.file("extdata/npp.tif", package = "spEDM"))
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 404, 483, 3  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 10000, 10000  (x, y)
## extent      : -2625763, 2204237, 1877078, 5917078  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : CGCS2000_Albers 
## source      : npp.tif 
## names       :      npp,        pre,      tem 
## min values  :   164.00,   384.3409, -47.8194 
## max values  : 16606.33, 23878.3555, 263.6938

terra::plot(npp, nc = 3,
            mar = rep(0.1,4),
            oma = rep(0.1,4),
            axes = FALSE,
            legend = FALSE)
Figure 2. Maps of farmland NPP and climate factors.
Figure 2. Maps of farmland NPP and climate factors.

To save the computation time, we will aggregate the data by 3 times and select 1500 non-NA pixels to predict:

npp = terra::aggregate(npp, fact = 3, na.rm = TRUE)
##      isNA
## npp 14815
## pre 14766
## tem 14766
## [1] 21735

nnamat = terra::as.matrix(![[1]]), wide = TRUE)
nnaindice = terra::rowColFromCell(npp,which(nnamat))
## [1] 6920    2

indices = sample(nrow(nnaindice), size = 1500, replace = FALSE)
lib = nnaindice[-indices,]
pred = nnaindice[indices,]

Due to the high number of NA values in the npp raster data, we used all non-NA cell as the libraries when testing for the most suitable embedding dimension.

simplex(npp,"pre",nnaindice,pred,k = 5)
## The suggested embedding dimension E for variable pre is 2
##        E       rho      mae     rmse
##  [1,]  1 0.9935452 192.2437 257.0223
##  [2,]  2 0.9964007 138.1465 192.6528
##  [3,]  3 0.9933468 152.9612 261.6461
##  [4,]  4 0.9947055 152.8392 232.8033
##  [5,]  5 0.9946261 159.5439 234.5342
##  [6,]  6 0.9945737 161.3816 235.8791
##  [7,]  7 0.9944200 166.2916 239.2797
##  [8,]  8 0.9944050 169.3894 239.9678
##  [9,]  9 0.9941899 170.0724 244.2513
## [10,] 10 0.9947184 167.4744 233.1708
simplex(npp,"npp",nnaindice,pred,k = 5)
## The suggested embedding dimension E for variable npp is 6
##        E       rho      mae     rmse
##  [1,]  1 0.9309598 424.9317 608.9018
##  [2,]  2 0.9361632 382.7654 583.7951
##  [3,]  3 0.9376302 374.3546 575.0216
##  [4,]  4 0.9406945 370.6129 561.0225
##  [5,]  5 0.9466347 349.3912 532.1607
##  [6,]  6 0.9497837 340.4782 516.3542
##  [7,]  7 0.9488605 341.0529 520.8572
##  [8,]  8 0.9461863 346.1658 533.9391
##  [9,]  9 0.9448451 344.5612 540.3860
## [10,] 10 0.9458182 341.8827 535.7265

Under the selected lib and pred, the optimal embedding dimension E for the variable pre is 2, and for the variable npp, it is 6.

Then, run GCCM:

startTime = Sys.time()
npp_res = gccm(data = npp,
               cause = "pre",
               effect = "npp",
               libsizes = seq(10,100,5),
               E = c(2,6),
               k = 5,
               pred = pred,
               progressbar = FALSE)
endTime = Sys.time()
print(difftime(endTime,startTime, units ="mins"))
## Time difference of 21.55607 mins
##    libsizes  pre->npp   npp->pre
## 1        10 0.1034609 0.06800981
## 2        15 0.1249670 0.08183160
## 3        20 0.1568069 0.09673624
## 4        25 0.1850738 0.11198871
## 5        30 0.2077103 0.11475138
## 6        35 0.2364462 0.12451989
## 7        40 0.2688678 0.13374827
## 8        45 0.3029108 0.14820557
## 9        50 0.3436574 0.16371411
## 10       55 0.4011195 0.19156188
## 11       60 0.4471125 0.21612723
## 12       65 0.4741198 0.24044547
## 13       70 0.4871746 0.24450378
## 14       75 0.5123036 0.23758264
## 15       80 0.5634948 0.19366801
## 16       85 0.5849654 0.15820213
## 17       90 0.5941501 0.16207449
## 18       95 0.6568359 0.16705620
## 19      100 0.8210545 0.13783912

Visualize the result:

plot(npp_res,xlimits = c(9, 101),ylimits = c(-0.05,1)) +
  ggplot2::theme(legend.justification = c(0.95,1))
Figure 3. The cross-mapping prediction outputs between farmland NPP and precipitation.
Figure 3. The cross-mapping prediction outputs between farmland NPP and precipitation.